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Member to Member

The Member to Member Business Award honors a CREW Network member who consistently demonstrates an extraordinary commitment to marshal CREW talent, resulting in measurable business for other CREW members. This individual exemplifies the power and spirit of CREW and recognizes the collective CREW business completed over the last 12-18 months as a result of this member’s efforts.

Examples of such successes include:

  • A CREW member who is an asset or portfolio manager and engages fellow CREW members who are attorneys, property managers, leasing agents, property tax consultants, investment sales brokers, mortgage brokers…

  • A CREW member who is a lender and engages CREW members who are appraisers, environmental or engineering professionals, closing attorneys, affiliated with title companies…

  • A CREW member who is a property manager and engages CREW members in the fields of architecture, construction, project management…

  • A CREW member who is a broker and engages or refers CREW members as space planners, interior designers, relocation consultants…

  • A successful nomination could be for someone who puts together one very large transaction where CREW members work together or it could be someone who does many transactions with CREW members that add up to something big; “big” is not necessarily measured in the most dollars, but by the significance of the CREW business to the parties involved.